Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Need To...

*Clean my room. A dang bomb went off in there or something. All I know is it's a disaster.
*Organize my ridiculous amount of hair & hygiene products that are prominently displayed on my bathroom counter. Not the intended place for them.
*Wrap some wedding gifts for my bestie's shower coming up next weekend.
*Purchase my anniversary gift to the hubby & get it sent come Monday or Tuesday, at the latest. Stupid slow-moving post office mail. You just won't let me procrastinate any longer! Grrr.
*Finish a very special wedding gift that takes time and focus. I really need to get it done sooooon!
*Prep the house for friends and family to come over tomorrow night for hamburgers and happiness. My sister's 29th birthday party extravaganza. Better her than me is all I have to say about that ;).
*Hang & put away my laundry while unpacking what's left in my bags at the same time.
*Drink some hot tea cuz it's just been way too long & I don't like that.
*Make the bestest dessert called 'Sex in a Pan'...MMM MMM good. How could it not be with a name like that, right?! :)
*Wrap sissy's birthday present. Don't tell her, but I got her one of those super-cute giraffe skin purses that are popular right now. She's gonna love it! :)
*Get some sleep before I have to wake up at 7:45am to join in on picking up my aunt from the airport. Yay for aunt Becky being here! :)

Well, there's my list for now. Wish me luck and diligence to get it done! Good night for now.

1 comment:

cls said...

I MUST know the recipe for "Sex in a Pan" and I think I might go get a giraffe purse this weekend - they are way cute. But mine will NOT be DG or whatever brand. It will be the $24 one from the Asian place down the road. Lol.