Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Countdown...

Well, I finally got the call yesterday from Chad saying he was home safe to NC. He is currently on the way to the airport in NC with his brother to get on the plane towards Texas...and ME! He arrives at the San Angelo airport at 11:00 pm tonight. We made signs the other day and we (as in my family) are all very excited for his return. Only 10 1/2 hours until my dreams have come true again.

He is so excited to be home. When he called yesterday, he was like a little kid let loose for free reign in a candy store. He got to sleep in our wonderful bed last night (I'm jealous) and when he inprocessed this morning we were rewarded with an extended Rest & Relaxation period. It's usually 2 weeks for the guys when they return before they have to return to work, but our commander decided it would be silly to make everyone come back on a Thursday or Friday, so he threw in an extra weekend and we don't have to be back until March 10th. That's super-exciting! You can never have too much paid & free leave!

Now, I must return to my monstrous list of things to get done by 10:30 pm tonight. I left quite a few things undone so today's time might pass faster. YAY for the return of true happiness!


cls said...

Oh Kelly, I am so happy for you, I cried when I read this post!!! Tonight's the night!!!! YAY!!! I am sooooooo happy!!

Oh, and most important item on the list of things to do today: shave.

Have fun, girl. *wink wink

The Holik's said...

So excited for y'all!!!

Unknown said...

WHOO HOO! He's coming home!

cls said...

I bet you're on happy girl right about now.