Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Crazy girls...

So, today in Little Rock/Cabot, Arkansas, it is a biting 32 degrees with a wind chill of 26 degrees. I know, you probably don't care about the weather in AR, but I must provide this information in order to successfully express how extremely silly Cass & I were today when we finally decided to remove our butts from the couch & do something productive. Well, we decided to go workout. She is doing the very well-known Crossfit workout & it's pretty intense stuff! Those people must be out of their minds. Anyways, we went out and ran on the track at the base, against the wind. I was in shorts and long sleeves, and Cass was in tights with a long sleeve t-shirt also. As soon as we stepped outside, I think all of my leg hairs were frozen. Needless to say, it was miserable. We couldn't breathe and my whole body felt like it was a frickin' ice cube. The good part is, we got up and got out, and tried our best to do good for ourselves today. Yay for us. Now we just have to keep it up and get smarter about things. Tomorrow shall be IN the gym. Sounds good.

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