Friday, November 23, 2007

Prep Time...

Well, because I felt so bad last week for not informing you that I was going to be gone for a couple of days of potential blogging time, I thought I would warn you to expect a deflux of blog entries for the rest of the weekend. I am headed down to Dryden, TX...a little place located on the Mexico border about halfway up the squiggly side of Texas, haha. I'm sure you know EXACTLY where I'm talking about after that description...but I digress. I will be gone until Sunday evening. I will attempt an entry that night assuming we don't get in too late and I'm in the appropriate blogger spirits. It should be an interesting venture being that about 11 of my family members are staying out in the middle of nowhere on a large piece of rough terrain in a small ranch style house that runs its energy on gasoline, it's stove by propane. and has an outhouse for a toilet. Oh yea, and all of the electricity comes from a generator that at any time, may decide to go out...a.k.a. DIE! It's forecasted to have very low, as in potentially freezing, weather conditions so there's a good chance I may turn into a human popcicle (hopefully cherry flavored). So, assuming I survive this thing, I hope to have many a story to tell upon my return. Wish me luck while I'm 'roughin' it! :0) And I bid you a-do until then!

1 comment:

cls said...

Rough terrain, no electricity, cold...are you going to Hell??