Monday, April 12, 2010

back so soon?

Yes, I realize it has been another almost 2 weeks since my last post, but we've been a busy bunch! We have pretty much gotten all moved into our house now. Since we moved in, my parents have visited to help us move a couple more things in and to hang the blinds in all of the windows (because waking up with the sun is WAYYY overrated!) :). This past weekend, my mom, sister, Taylor, brother and sis-in-law came to see us in two separate trips. We got some more stuff done in the house with them here, so that was good. Just having a babysitter for even the smallest part of the day is the biggest help!

What we have left to complete the house:
  • purchase curtain rods and hang them
  • find rugs for the living room and dining room
  • follow up rug purchase with pillows and curtains to complement
  • find more frames and hang pictures throughout
  • make appts. for dirt and grading service
  • make arrangements to have friends and family help with sprinkler system and fence installation
  • get Bermuda grass seed blown in

I just bought my swimsuit for the summer. It is a one-piece from Target that is really cute. I honestly can't remember the last time I put on a one-piece bathing suit. It might have been when I was about 11 or so. Crazy! I have definitely come to terms with being a mommy and being unwilling to show my tummy at its current state. Ha. It looks cute on me either way though and it's black and ruched on the sides, so it's 'slimming'. :) Yay.

I also ordered Kennady a noise machine for her room. It is SOOO quiet in her room that it even drives ME crazy. Ha. I figured that if she is anything like her mommy and daddy (which she definitely is in many other aspects), then she would love and appreciate the sound of a fan, white noise, rain, or waves while she sleeps. Maybe it will result in a little longer sleeping spurts?? We shall see.

I just got Kennady's nursery finished with all of her furniture, hung her curtain, and hung the decorations on the walls. It feels good to have her own space and to be able to see all of her stuff altogether. It's all been in pieces for the past several months. It's amazing how much stuff a 4 month old can accummulate. Seriously...:)

Well, that's all I really have for now. My best friend Nicole is coming into town to visit us this weekend, so that will be fun! She hasn't seen Kenna since she was 3 1/2 weeks old right after Christmas. She has changed SOOO much since then! She won't even be able to believe it, probably.

Hope all is well with everyone! Have a great week!

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