Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Truth Hurts...

Who really knows what it's like to 'serve' in the military? The men with the gear, those who are brave enough to sign up, and those who have chosen to love those guys who wear the gear and that signed themselves up. I am one of those lovers.

As tomorrow approaches (that would be Thanksgiving day for any of you who might be on a different planet), I can't help but think about how much Chad would love to be here to share dinner with my family. A feast, truly fit for an army (or an air force...well, it just doesn't make sense really, but I tried:)). I accidentally brought up that my mother had already started cooking for tomorrow and that the house smelled like pumpkin pie. Whoops. Nothing like talking to someone who already wishes they were home, about the wonderful things of being home. He even said..."I don't want to talk about how jealous I am of you right now". This statement made me realize how silly of me it was to even bring the Thanksgiving feast subject up. As if he doesn't already know what he's missing out on. He's going to munch upon a semi-feast of a meal that can't even compare to what we're going to be feasting on. And this is only the 2nd of the 5 holidays he's going to miss while he's gone. He did say though, "just because I'm not here to celebrate doesn't mean the holiday doesn't exist". This made me feel a little better because I know he is happy I am here to spend these times with my family. He would rather me stuff my belly full & spend quality time with my family than anything else in the world on Thanksgiving (except maybe coming home of course). That's why he is my prince.

You know the saying "the truth hurts"...well in this deployment situation, that cliche of a statement couldn't be more accurate. The truth is that our husbands are halfway around the world, missing opportunities for quality family time, & putting their lives at risk day after day. We, on the other hand, are stuck here to hope they call before they take off, and more importantly, to call after they have landed safely. This distance has taken over my ears for his ringtone, my mind for the 'little things', and my heart for the loneliness. It's enough to drive someone nuts. It was absolutely worth me signing onto the military though. I'm proud of what he does. And I'm proud we have the character as a couple to make it through these tough times...

1 comment:

cls said...

Alright, you made me cry. I love you. We definitely should get together sometime and hang out. It's strange, but it's very encouraging knowing you're going through the same thing as me. If we think Thanksgiving is hard, I don't know how we're going to handle Christmas...

Speaking of, are you planning on sending Chad any Christmas presents over there or are you waiting 'til he gets back? I have NO IDEA what to send Aaron!

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, despite your prince's absence. Just eat a lot of turkey and then pass out. LoL.